It's just after five in the morning. I got home from watching a movie with my dear friend Tom about twenty minutes ago.
Yes, that is how I live my college student life. By starting a movie at two thirty in the morning.
I'm dead tired. Flat out exhausted. But instead of going to sleep, you know what I'm doing?
I am sitting in the hallway, eating the remnants of cookie dough ice cream and cream cheese frosting. Blogging.
Yes, that is my crazy lady hair.
Why do I have this delicious, non-nutritious, sugar overloaded food, you ask?
Because I made birthday dinner for Katie and Whitni. I also made cake.
Right when I got back home to Logan, I went to the basement and started cooking. Honestly, I loved it. Not because I particularly love cooking, but because I love doing things like that for people that I love.
But don't get me wrong, I love to cook.
I had a whole bunch of supplies and food and cook books that my parents gave to me for this occasion before I left.
Why was I with my parents, you ask?
Because I went home Saturday afternoon. Not dad-home, but mom-home. That's 260 miles away. Which really isn't bad, now that I'm typing it.
I went home not only because I miss my family like crazy, but because my beautiful niece was getting blessed in the LDS church. My church. It was so great.
There is no baby as beautiful as Berkleigh.
Sacrament meeting was actually rather humorous. When the bishop announced the blessing of Berkleigh, I was the one holding her, and she has my middle name, so everyone assumed she was my child. Okay, just the old people who didn't really know anything about us.
But really, do I look like I just had a baby? Thanks, old lady who congratulated me on my beautiful child. Your gray hair looks real snazzy.
Even though I was at my mom's for less than 24 hours, it was just what I needed. I loved being with all of my sisters.
It may be blurry, but that's us. Pretty much insane, but not clinically. Yet.
It was also pretty entertaining to have my three year old cousin test her photography skills using people's phones. She had some pretty unique ideas when it came to posing. I was perfectly happy to play along.
I was pretty much exhausted the whole time I was there.
Because I stayed up until five thirty the previous night talking to Tom.
Well, listening to Tom talk.
We all built a fort in the basement Friday night after Zombie Prom, which was actually really fun. I think the fact that we were dressed up like Zombies contributed to the fun factor a LOT.
All in all, a really great weekend.
Maybe sometime in the next couple years I'll catch up on all my lost sleep.
But first, I have got to stop eating ice cream and frosting at five in the morning.
I like that you eat frosting and ice cream at 5 am :) I just like you period. Actually I love you. You are the greatest :)