
I've no choice but to claim them.

12. Your Siblings.

There are some people in this world that aren't your family, but you wish they were.

There are some people in this world who are your family, but you wish they weren't.


There are some people in this world who are in your family, and they just fit. Perfectly.

If you haven't already figured out that this is Britny and that she is my best friend, you haven't read my blog yet.
Get on that.

Connor Sean Havey.
My favorite brother ever.
We can talk about anything and everything with no shame and no restraints.
Want to know a secret about this kid?
He's not as bad-a as he pretends to be.

Shaniah Kim Havey.
My favorite pint-size sister to whom I can tell everything.
I will love her until exactly seven days after I die.
No one has as much attitude as she does, which isn't exactly a good thing.
But, hey, most of us love her anyway.

Abbi Lee Havey.
My favorite dancing sister.
She has the deepest dimples in the world.
Someday, someone will eat ice cream out of them.
I just know it.

Amber, Clint, and Tiffany.
THE coolest step-siblings ever.
It's true.

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