
Thank you baby, for loving me like you do.

21. Someone you love/Someone that means a lot to you.

Usually, when I pray, I ask Heavenly Father for things that I need.
Last night, I asked for nothing.
I have so much to be thankful for that I don't need anything else.

I thanked him for getting rid of the pain I was in on Thursday.
I thanked him for the blessing I received before we went to the hospital.
I thanked him for pain medication. Yes, yes I did.

I thanked him for the amazing people in my life, and for the love and care they all have for me.
I thanked him for my family, and for keeping them safe as they drove all the way up to Logan just to see me.

I thanked Him for:

My amazing best friend, Kira.

My roommate, Becca.

The great Kenzie Clyde.

Whitni Gardner.

Amazing Kenny Ludwig.
Yes, Kenny, I Facebook stalked you to get a picture.

Elena Christiansen.

Catherine Dickson and Skadi Kobe.

Michelle Poulson and Leslie Gil.

Brant Stanley.

Zach Johnson.
And the cat.

Arianna Larkin.

All of the girls on my floor, including:
Hannah Ellie Bateman.
Tori Winslow.
Emillie Fawson.
Ashley Stokes.
Shayla Michel.

I thanked Him for my mom.

For Shaniah.

And for Abbi.

And also for my dads, for Connor, for Britny, and for Berkleigh.

And I thanked Him for life.

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