
Cake Balls and Wedding Dresses.

Today, my family came up to Logan to see me.
Not all of them. Just my dad, Britny, Nik, and Berkleigh.

It was great.

There was a bridal fair at the TSC, and we decided to go.
That was actually the reason they came up, but I like to think of it the other way.

At this bridal fair, there were free goodies, such as chocolate-covered cake balls and a huge purple diamond ring.
If you have never tried a cake ball, you are hugely missing out on an amazing experience.

To wrap up the whole wedding-fever, we went dress shopping.
I pretended to be a bride-to-be along with my sister who didn't have to pretend.
In case you are all wondering, which I know you are, here is the information I gave the Dress Lady.

Name: Sherece Bledsoe
Fiancée's name: Shawn White
Wedding date: October 2011
Wedding colors: Undecided
Date of proposal: November
Location of wedding: Undecided

Yes, I am marrying the famous snowboarder.

And he's paying for everything.

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